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The Bekwai Municipal Assembly is among the 43 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in the Ashanti Region. The Municipal Assembly is the highest political and administrative body of the Municipal and exercises deliberative, legislative and executive functions. The Municipality was established under Legislative Instrument (L.I. 1906, 2007).

Politically and administratively, the municipality covered the entire Bekwai constituency. Some of the major settlements are Bekwai, Kokofu, Essumeja, Anwiankwanta, Dominase, Poano, Ofoase- Kokoben, Bogyawe, Senfi, Huntado, Abodom, Amoaful, Dadease, Kensere, Akyeremade, Dotom, Koniyaw and Kokotro.

Physical and Natural Environment
Bekwai Municipal is located in the southern part of Ashanti Region. It shares boundaries with Bosomtwe District in the north, Adansi –North in the south, Bosome-Freho District to the East and Amansie-Central and Amansie-West to the west. The Municipal Assembly lies within latitude 6 00‟N 6 03 ‟N and Longitudes 100 W and 1 35W. It covers a total land area of about 624sqkm representing 2.64 percent of the total land area of the region (Ashanti).

Municipal Governance

The Bekwai Municipality has 34 electoral areas. The electoral areas include the following Adankraja, Amoaful ,Adjemasu, Anwiankwanta, Essumeja, Dominase, Bogyawe, Sanfo –Aduam, Ankaase, Poano, Ntinanko, Huntado, Ofoase-Kokoben, Senfi, , Kokofu, Akyeremade, Kensere, Pampaso, Dwumakro, Asanso/Feyiase, Amoaful, New/Zongo, Asokwa/Tunsuom, Brofoyedu, Nampansa, Abodom, Dadease, Dotom, Kokotro, Asamang, Asanso-Feyiase, Asokore, Dwoamin, Kwamang, Huntado, Pepedan/Akwabeteso,PramasoNyameduase .

Objectives of the Municipality

To fulfill its mission, the Municipal Assembly has set itself the following objectives:

  1. To facilitate the effective functioning of local government administration in the Municipality
  2. To ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources of the Assembly and Decentralized Department in the Municipality.
  3. To monitor, co-ordinate and harmonize the implementation of development Plans and activities in the Municipality
  4. To facilitate the provision of basic social and economic infrastructure and services in the Municipality.
  5. To facilitate community based and Private Sector Development in the Municipality.